Mar 27Liked by Avani Patel

“No one will talk about your social media profile at your funeral - they will tell stories about what you did, and the way you made people feel”. Thank You, Thank you, thank you for saying it.

You’re right we need to live the life we are meant to live and yes, actually enjoy and engage in that thing called life. How else do I grow as a human? As the saying goes “Comparison is the thief of joy” or more to the point Mark Twains view that “Comparison is the death of joy”. I’ll take joy any day. 😊

I agree social media is here to stay and I stepped away 2 years ago for what I thought would be a few months break and it turned into yes, 2 years. I have since re-aligned my relationship with it so know I can go back anytime…It will always gladly take me back. Funny thing that…

Looking forward to what comes next!

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"It will always gladly take me back" -- SO true!!

I loooove that you've been away from it for 2 years. Incredible. I also feel like I've re-aligned my relationship to it, but am keeping the door open for a full closed-door situation, too.

Thanks for sharing what resonated, Cacy - I always love hearing from you <3

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Good to have you back Avani! Looking forward to what’s to come! 😊

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I’ve considered not posting/signing out of my personal IG and only posting under my writer/professional account since I need to promote my book. It’s pretty hard to do…I have years of posts under that handle versus just mere months for my pro account. If I didn’t have IG as a writer, I’m not sure if anyone could find me nor would I be able to sell/promote my book and future books I publish!

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I toooootally feel this!! I've reluctantly come to terms with the fact that social media isn't going anywhere - but that I can choose to change my relationship to it. Use it as a tool, not as a way to replace my reality. Thank you for sharing, Cynthia - I'm with you!

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